What happens when YOU hit a golf ball? The problem most of us have is that when our ball doesn't land where we intended--we tend to start thinking too much. Real golf skill is unconscious. We are programming our bodies to hit the ball properly when we practice--but when we are on the tee, fairway or green its not time to be thinking, it's time to let the skills we've develop take over. By using this unique subliminal programming CD we can program our subconscious to: °Help us relax and not get caught in the "overthinking our shot" trap. °Help us learn from every shot you make.
(We all tend to kick ourselves over bad shots, but few of us learn enough from the good ones.) °Build the self-confidence we need to focus, relax, and just send that ball where it has to go! °Rid ourselves of subconscious inhibitors--i.e. belief's we may secretly harbor that our game is at its peak and will never improve. °Help us enjoy practicing. Will I be able to hear the subliminal affirmations? No, all you will hear is the soothing sounds of an peaceful exotic forest. Do I need to concentrate on listening to the CD? Not at all, that is one of the beauties of this method of teaching yourself a skill. You can even read while listening, or watch golf on tv. Note from the Publisher: Our son the would be golf pro went from an 11 handicap to a 1 using this CD and a medicus.
He practices almost every day. On Amazon this CD ships in a white carboard envelope without a case. The reason. Plastic cases always seem break. And though we use to use DVD cases, too many customers forgot to push the center button and break the CD. Guarantee: If you practice for at least an hour a day, three times a week or more and listen to this CD once a day or more (and document each practice and each CD play-daily), for a period of 4 weeks. We will refund your purchase price if you do not see a marked improvement in your game.
Price: $ 150